2nd study visit in Italy (online)

The online study visit in Italy held on April 12th, 2023, facilitated a comprehensive understanding of challenges in implementing effective upskilling pathways for adult learners thanks to the contribution of the different stakeholders: INAPP – National Coordinator of the Agenda for Adult Learning; ERASMUS+ Italian National Agency for Adult Education; RIDAP (National Network of Public Centers for Adult Education); RUIAP (University Network for Lifelong Learning); ANPAL (Public National Agency for Active Labour Policies); EDAFORUM (Forum of ALE Associations/Networks); Repubblica Digitale (Governmental initiative to develop and strengthen digital competences).
Key hurdles include governance complexities, resource allocation, and stakeholder collaboration:
- Italy has made strides by establishing a National Plan for adult skills development, fostering coordination among governmental agencies, educational institutions, and regional authorities. Stakeholders are urged to concentrate investments and resources towards common goals, emphasising collaboration across sectors.
- Efficient utilisation of new financial support instruments is also crucial to address citizens’ needs and prevent dispersion.
- < UNK> Integrating recommendations from the VET Recommendation and the Osnabruck Declaration into Italy’s National Implementation Plan is prioritised to enhance the quality and relevance of adult education offerings.
- Enhancing the mastery of “Skills for life,” especially among adults with low qualifications, remains challenging due to the lack of awareness and accessibility of Vocational Non-Formal and Informal Learning (VNFIL) opportunities.
Cooperation among stakeholders, including government agencies, educational institutions, non-profit organisations, employers, and individuals, is pivotal. However, gaps in interregional cooperation and recognition of prior learning persist, necessitating enhanced communication, resource sharing, and policy alignment.
Italy’s commitment to collaborative efforts underscores its dedication to advancing adult education and upskilling pathways for societal benefit. Leveraging diverse stakeholders’ expertise and resources can pave the way for a more inclusive, adaptable, and resilient adult education ecosystem.