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    European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA)

    The European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) is the voice of non-formal adult education in Europe. EAEA is a European NGO with 120 member organisations in about 40 countries and represents more than 60 million learners Europe-wide. EAEA promotes adult learning, access to, and participation in, non-formal adult education for all, particularly for groups currently under-represented. EAEA monitors and impacts European policies on non-formal adult education, offers capacity building opportunities for adult education professionals and enhances cooperation through projects.

    Centre for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology (CARDET)

    CARDET (Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology) an independent, non-profit, non-governmental, research and development organisation based in Cyprus. It is one of the leading research and development centres in the Euro-Mediterranean region, with global expertise in project design and implementation, capacity building, and e-learning. CARDET is independently affiliated with universities and institutions from around the world, such as Yale University, the University of Nicosia, and the International Council of Educational Media. CARDET has completed numerous projects relating to the development of capacity building and planning in education and VET, youth support, adult learning, literacies, digital tools, e-learning, educational technology, and social integration of marginalised groups. One of the organisation’s core-strengths is the ability to carefully plan, implement, execute, and evaluate projects in various contexts.

    CARDET’s mission is to inspire next generation education, and to promote research, innovation, and development through evidence-based practises, cutting-edge research, and empowered people.

    Latvian Adult Education Association (LAEA)

    Latvian Adult Education Association (LAEA) is nongovernmental organization, which unites 62 juridical and physical entities – adult education providers in Latvia. LAEA is founded in 1993 and its goal is to promote development of non-formal education system in Latvia, participate in creating life- long learning policy and promote development of civil, democratic and well balanced society. LAEA is a member organization of  European Adult Education Association and European Basic Skills network, Nordic – Baltic adult education network. LAEA is a member of Latvian Platform of  Development Education and  Civic Aliance – Latvia. LAEA represents non-governmental sector in Supervisory Board of  European Structural and Cohesion Fund and in Adult Education Management Board.  LAEA has network including education organizations, education boards of local municipalities and experienced individual trainers of whole Latvia. LAEA is participating in developing National Development Plans and Strategies of adult education, has worked out educational programs, methodological and educational materials for methodological support of its member organizations.

    Main directions of work:

    • development of life long learning system in Latvia;
    • methodological and educational support to adult education institutions;
    • education of social risk groups, integration them in labour market and society.
    Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education

    Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education is a public institution established 2010 by merging two agencies that existed since 2006 (Agency for VET) and 2007 (Agency for Adult Education) and its key stakeholder in VET and Adult education in Croatia. Main activities: Reform and development of a modern VET and Adult Education system in Croatia Professional training of VET and Adult Education teachers and trainers Expert and pedagogical monitoring of VET schools and Adult Education institution Expert monitoring of Adult Education providers Implementation of ESF projects: Promotion of Lifelong learning, Modernisation of VET teachers professional development system, Development of a Quality Assurance System in AE Implementation of Erasmus+ projects: EPALE, EQAVET, BEQUAL, Training for Skills in Digital Environment, BB-Digital, Improvet, SkillME Organisation of Lifelong Learning Week in all Croatian counties since 2008 and presentation of the the “Maslačak znanja” award for outstanding accomplishments in adult education, within the ESF project Promotion of Lifelong learning.


    The ASOCIATIA EURO ADULT EDUCATION is a Romanian NGO aiming at promoting and supporting continuous learning of adults in accordance with European standards, as a way of improving the knowledge of the adults from the perspective of new challenges and requirements. 

    • lobbying and counselling concerning adult education and lifelong learning; 
    • developing and implementing transnational cooperation and European projects. The target groups for our projects are the unemployed, young job-seekers, illiterates, the elderly, diaspora people etc. 
    • design and implementation of national projects in the field of development of participatory democracy through citizens’ involvement in the life of the community, in particular, young people and the elderly; 
    • organizing VET training courses for: Project Manager, Train the trainers, Entrepreneurial competencies, and IT competencies;
    European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN)

    The European University Continuing Education Network (eucen) is an international non-governmental not-for-profit association founded in 1991 and registered under Belgian law, is the largest European multidisciplinary Association in University Lifelong Learning. Currently, eucen has 160 members from 34 countries, all of whom are universities who are actively committed to and involved in the development of University Lifelong Learning (ULLL).
    It includes 18 national networks for University Continuing Education (UCE) and ULLL in Europe, and 8 adult education associations, and is one of the founding associations of the EUCIS-LLL platform (now known as the LLL Platform).

    eucen’s main aims and objectives are:

    • to contribute to the economic and cultural life of Europe through the promotion and improvement of the quality of LLL and continuing professional development within higher education institutions in Europe and elsewhere, and
    • to foster universities’ influence on LLL knowledge and policies throughout Europe.
    Hellenic Adult Education Association

    Headquartered in Athens, the Hellenic Adult Education Association (HAEA) is a scientific non-profit network of adult educators, trainers and researchers from all over Greece. Founded in 2004, HAEA benefits from the voluntary time contributions of its members and the members of its Board of Directors, as well as the members of the editorial committee of HAEA’s journal “Adult Education”. Over the years, HAEA has become a recognized and very active community of practice in adult education and research within the Hellenic and the International framework. The mission of HAEA is the development of the scientific thought, action, research, information and the dialogue for Adult Education.


    AONTAS is the National Adult Learning Organisation in Ireland. It promotes the value and benefits of adult learning and advocates on behalf of the sector with key policy and decision-makers. Founded in 1969, AONTAS is an independent non-governmental organisation (NGO) with member’s nationwide and strong relationships with key public, private, and not for profit stakeholders across the education sector. AONTAS provides a crucial platform for member organisations to share experience and best practice, promote their work, and advocate policymakers on the value and necessity of adult education, lifelong learning, and community education. AONTAS is the National Coordinator for the New Eropean Agenda for Adult Learning (NEAAL) and involved in several EU Projects.

    Adult Education Institution Dante

    The Adult Education Institution Dante is a modern and efficient institution that has been carrying out adult education programmes in Rijeka, Croatia, for over 30 years. Dante attracts numerous generations of adult learners by offering quality educational formal and non-formal programmes and courses (focusing on foreign language learning, vocational programmes, intercultural communication, basic skills, teaching methods and approaches, transferable skills, and entrepreneurship) that respond to the needs of modern society and contribute to the development of adult education at the local, regional, and European level.

    Dante’s career centre offers career counselling services to people who are at key milestones in their educational or career path. For more than 30 years, we have been engaged in adult education and we have been following changes in the labour market, and we have recognized the need to develop a career counselling program for all those seeking guidance.

    FORMA.Azione srl

    FORMA.Azione is an Italian organisation highly specialized in Vocational Training Services as well as Adult Learning. Our mission is to create concrete opportunities for the professional and social development of the target groups, to improve access to training, in particular for adults with low qualifications and workers, elderly people and women, to support career and individual guidance and the related validation mechanisms, to encourage self-consciousness in managing careers and active ageing, to promote women’s access to and participation in all levels of the labour market also by combating gender stereotypes in vocational training, career selection and professions.
    FORMA.Azione is an Accredited Regional Training Centre, since 2003 working with Public National and EU funds. Since 2002 it is ISO 9001Certified, for designing and provision of Vocational Training and Adult learning services.

    The State Education Development Agency (VIAA)

    VIAA is a public administration institution, established 1995 by the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia

    The aims of VIAA is to implement the national policy in the field of adult training, VET, carrier guidance, skills competitions for excellence, higher education internationalisation and promotion, study loans and scholarships with the help of national investement programmes and projects financed or co-financed by EU Cohesion Funds and foreign donors’ financial instruments. Also VIAA is the National Agency of Erasmus+ and Nordplus programmes, administrator of the EEA and Norway financial instrument programmes in Latvia, national platform for Euroguidance and Eurydice networks, hosting agency for SkillsLatvia, StudyinLatvia and a representative of Latvia in WorldSkills Europe and WorldSkills International.